Months after the “yes, we know we fucked up with Passport” announcements at Mix06, Microsoft has goofed up majorly by forcing users of it’s new…
One CommentCategory: News
I actually wrote part of this post back on Nov Oct 11th. It’s been sitting in my draft box in WordPress for sometime, but suddenly…
10 CommentsJP says: “… why do I like what I see in Songbird? Because I don’t like lock-in. I want to be able to choose my…
2 CommentsApparently this turgid literary cesspit of a blog, written by a dyslexic who can barely string two sentences together, comes in at number 67 in…
7 CommentsI just got an email from the Chumby people (what is a Chumby, you ask?) regarding my application for a free one. They actually were…
2 CommentsI’d like to congratulate Ev Williams + team on buying back Odeo and Twitter from his original investors. It’s thought VC’s sunk $5m into Odeo…
One CommentIt’s official – Firefox 2.0 is now available for download. I actually haven’t got around to testing any of the RC’s yet so this is…
2 CommentsAs I thought, Google have promoted their lowly Blog Search (off the back of the launch of their ping server). Google News is showing some…
One CommentAs expected, IE7 has been released. I had to download manually from in order to force my computer to get a copy now. Otherwise…
3 CommentsKevin Burton’s just launched a new version of his news/meme tracker Tailrank. Improvements including a new UI and also backend work, including the clustering engine.…
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