The folks over at coComment have left some beta codes for readers of this blog. Get ’em while their hot…! CoComment is out of “invitation-only…
4 CommentsBen Metcalfe Posts
Google have aquired Measure Map – which is slightly curiois considering they already have an existing stats package in the form of Google Analytics. For…
2 CommentsMAKE published a potentially dangerous project HOWTO in the latest issue of MAKE (#05). MAKE says: The “How to Build a Power Tap” page in…
One CommentI’m currently weighing up whether I should attend Mix06 — out of my own pocket. I’m already attending O’Reilly ETech a few weeks beforehand, courtesy…
2 CommentsThe BBC, in partnership with Oxford University, is inviting the public to join the world’s biggest online climate prediction project. The Climate Change project asks…
4 CommentsVia Jeremy Zawodny: Yahoo! have released some Design Patterns and also their UI Library under a Creative Commons Licence. Pretty neat.
One CommentScoble suggests one good thing that could come out of coComment’s semanic comment forking: “…since I use CoComment I notice that when someone deletes my…
Comments closedThe rumours were true, get your domain email on GMail.
Comments closedIt’s been a bad couple of days in the office – and that’s despite having a day away on Wednesday when I attended the excellent…
2 CommentsFew people have a “blogroll” these days, especailly if you have 150+ feeds that you subscribe too. If you’re interested in what I’m reading, check…