Nick Carr has caused a bit of a storm on the blogosphere with his latest post The Great Unread. Nick writes(/rants in places) about the age-old…
2 CommentsCategory: Thoughts and Rants
Much of what Tara wrote in her recent post ‘Missing the point’ resonates with me too. A couple of months back, someone asked me why…
8 CommentsEvery week I must get at least three “Connect on LinkedIn?” emails — I’m sure you get them too. I used to get the occasional…
9 CommentsAccording to BBC (and others) Google and Fox Interactive Media have announced that Google will be providing all search and advertising facilities for MySpace and…
4 CommentsUPDATE: It’s been 9 hours since we announced BarCampLondon, and already half of the 80 places have gone. So if you’re interested in coming do…
10 CommentsTime Warner has decided to offer AOL content effectively for free ‘to broadband users. You can read the full announcement here. On the face of…
One CommentI’m not quite sure why, but the Israeli bombardment of Lebanon has had an effect upon me far greater than any other armed conflict in…
19 CommentsIt looks like Google are about to announce (at OSCON) the launch of a Google Bug Tracking and Subversion hosting service — basically a suite…
3 CommentsI attended the NewStatesman New Media Awards 2006, last night. I’m pleased to say that came away with the prize in the Innovation category.…
12 CommentsMikey Arrington’s 7th Tech Crunch party seems to be the hot ticket of the year week and everyone seems to want to go. Alas you…