eBay is the top brand on the Internet, or so says Envisional (a ‘net monitoring’ business). The full report is available for download, and the…
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Comments closedMicrosoft want you to share your user experience ideas with them. Lay out your vision of the next generation of Windows based PCs in order…
2 CommentsAccording to PC Pro Magazine UK, consumers are finally wising up to the restrictions placed on digital music tracks once they buy them from online…
3 CommentsI’m not a hard-core Perl monger, but I recently needed to find out a list of the perl modules (and their version numbers) installed on…
2 Comments“Feedback, Motivation and Sociality in an online tagging service”… the users and uses of del.icio.us. Looks good from the presentation… HTML-based presentation Full paper to…
Comments closediTagg.com (the same guys who run the excellent Easily.co.uk domain registrar) are offering free MMS tags! “What’s an MMS tag, then?” I hear you ask.…
2 CommentsAon, some travel risk assessor firm, has created what should be described as “the world traveller’s handy guide to terrorism”. It’s a map of the…
3 Comments“Freetag is an easy tagging and folksonomy-enabled plugin for use with MySQL-PHP applications. It allows you to create tags on existing database schemas, and access…
One CommentIn Iraq those naughty “insurgents” like to strap explosives to detonators connected to family-style walkie-talkies. Send a signal to the radio and BOOM… So, a…