(This has now ended) DivX are giving away free licences for DivX encoder for one day only (A $19.99 value, apparently). [thanks Lee!]
Comments closedBen Metcalfe Posts
I have just agreed to be a last-minute addition to the panellist at this weekend’s “Copy Fight LDN” talk at the London Resfest 2005 event.…
One CommentDoes what it says on the tin… Fastermini.com tutorial.
2 CommentsFood for thought: “More people know what dogging is than blogging, according to a survey which suggests that Brits are not as tech-savvy as might…
5 CommentsFrancis Alÿs is a crazy installation Belgian artist who’s latest work, “Seven Walks“, debuts tomorrow. Alÿs has been walking the capital for 5 years, it…
2 CommentsWell, this ties two recent posts nicely together: My spat with Hugh MacLeud about his wine pimping and Google admiting their search engine is manipulatable…
3 CommentsNY Times has an almost-unbelievably detailed article about the future of TV at Yahoo!. On the content side of things Yahoo! have always been an…
Comments closedI seem to be getting quite a lot of hits via some postings that have been made about me on the very ammusing “Biased BBC”…
5 CommentsA really great post from Danah Boyd: Why Web2.0 Matters, Round Two (which actually looks at a lot more than just Web2.0). “It is not…
4 CommentsHave Google admitted more then they meant to in their latest blog post by Marissa Mayer (Director of Consumer Web Products)? – “If you do…
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