Regular readers and close associates will know that I’m a bit of a blog purist. I don’t like the bluryness between genuine, unbiased conversation and…
6 CommentsCategory: Industry
I think LIFT06, like REBOOT05, was one of those conferences you want to attend personally. Not on behalf of your employer. I think it’s one…
2 CommentsI take back what I wrote about Valleywag. The stuff on Always-On is good shit.
Comments closedA solution to tracking all those comments you leave on other peoples blogs — the conversations — has been crying out to be built for…
9 CommentsI know it’s early day’s for Nick Denton’s latest Gawker offering, but I’m just not feeling Valleywag. Dot-com bitching is the name of the game…
4 CommentsOne of those rare moments where I admit Flash does have it’s appropriate uses: FlashEarth [via Murray, via Digg]. In many ways I prefer the…
One CommentAccording to Alexa, traffic at Wikipedia exceeded that of traffic at sites. Hmmm. Hat-tip to colleague Murray ‘Minty’ Walker for the link.
3 Comments…although it’s merely a rebadge, redistro’ of the otherwise excellent Ubuntu. The Register have the full story, which includes the made-I-laugh line: It’s possible that…
One CommentI kinda missed the boat with the whole Google in China (it was during the blog gap whilst we entertained Sofia’s relatives who were visiting…
One Comment…And it’s something we’re going to see a lot of in 2006. FactoryJoe had a meeting with Microsoft (in a social setting, I don’t think…