The BBC, in partnership with Oxford University, is inviting the public to join the world’s biggest online climate prediction project. The Climate Change project asks…
4 CommentsCategory: Industry
Via Jeremy Zawodny: Yahoo! have released some Design Patterns and also their UI Library under a Creative Commons Licence. Pretty neat.
One CommentScoble suggests one good thing that could come out of coComment’s semanic comment forking: “…since I use CoComment I notice that when someone deletes my…
Comments closedThe rumours were true, get your domain email on GMail.
Comments closedIt’s been a bad couple of days in the office – and that’s despite having a day away on Wednesday when I attended the excellent…
2 CommentsFew people have a “blogroll” these days, especailly if you have 150+ feeds that you subscribe too. If you’re interested in what I’m reading, check…
5 CommentsRussel has decided to remove all comments from his blog and no longer offer commenting on future posts. Which is really sad. As a cluetrain…
25 CommentsI read this post by Tom Foremski on ZDNet which made my smile. It’s about teenagers discovering they can make money from their blogs and…
2 CommentsLee makes a very interesting point about CoComment: “I bet a comment from Dominik is awaiting moderation! Looking at the RSS for comments, I see…
17 CommentsThe (UK) National Union of Journalists have published a code of conduct for Citizen Journalists based on a roundtable debate they had with: Jeremy Dear,…