In the big Microsoft/Facebook debate on Techeme, one fundamental point seems to have been largely overlooked: At the end of the day Microsoft paid $240m…
2 CommentsMonth: October 2007
I’m pleased to announce that the NewsGator family of products are going to support APML! More on Read/WriteWeb. Welcome NewsGator to the workgroup!
3 CommentsThis week is shaping up to be the highlight of the San Francisco conference calendar. It’s not worth going paying to go to all those…
3 CommentsSo, Firefox is to develop a mobile version of it’s browser… No one seems to be pointing out that Google practically ‘owns’ the development of…
19 CommentsDid Google buy Jaiku for it’s engineering talent rather than for the product? I’m betting the engineering team is going to be siphoned off into…
11 CommentsWhen it launches tomorrow, the Radiohead price experiment is going to be very interesting to analyze. (Background: Users pay what they like for the new…
7 CommentsHot on the tails of my in-depth post addressing Tom Morris’ issues with APML, I’ve been meaning to ‘back up’ and write a higher level…
Comments closedOver the weekend I found myself checking out JumpCut – a Yahoo! property, perhaps aspiring to be their ‘Flickr for video’… Anyway, it was my…
2 Comments(DISCLOSURE: Since writing this post I have accepted an advisory role with Seesmic) A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of a demo…
5 CommentsIt’s all too-easy to confuse yourself and think that TechMeme’s latest feature is a top 100 list of authoritative blogs, based on the number of…