Ben Metcalfe

Firefox 2.0 bug: looses form data when back button is pushed

I’ve now lost two blog posts from a nasty little bug in Firefox 2.0 concerning the back button.

In a nutshell, any form data entered into a web page is lost if you press the browser’s back button.

My laptop has back and forward buttons above the left and right cursor keys, and I occasionally press them by mistake. In the past an accidental press of the back button could be resolved by simply pressing the forward button. Firefox 1.x would preserve the form data as it was when the back-button was pressed. Alas in Firefox 2.0 this is no longer the case… 🙁

I use WordPress’ default web-based admin panel for posts, and I’ve now lost two blog posts because of this. I won’t go back to Firefox 1.x yet because I love the in-form spellcheck. But it’s frustrating!