Ben Metcalfe

An open “letter/blog post” to users from “Biased BBC Website”

I seem to be getting quite a lot of hits via some postings that have been made about me on the very ammusing “Biased BBC” blog (do check it out, it’s well worth a quick chuckle).

Apparently my harmless comments about George Bush wanting a toilet break have been taken as “views of a leftoid of a lefty institution” and other similar “you’re a left winger” stuff.

Which is really quite silly considering those who know me will know that I’m nothing of the sort.

In fact, can I take the opportunity to ask those of you arriving here off the back of such comments to check out my (quite infamous) post “Spoil your ballot paper” – in which I stated my view that I don’t like any of the political parties in the UK (yes, not even Labour or Lib Dem) and that I wouldn’t be voting for any off them.

And to doubly prove I’m not a “loonie leftie”, I’ve countless times mentioned that I live in Bethnal Green – who’s MP George Galloway of the Respect Coalition is perhaps the most left-wing MP in the House of Commons. Not only did I not vote for him either, but I’ve even lambasted him as a “slimy bastard (in my opinion)”.

So please, cut the “Ben’s a biased lefty” crap cos it’s a load of pretentious bollocks. I’ve stated countless times on my blog that I have no political alignment whatsoever, to the point at which I have never voted in a general election in my life.