Ben Metcalfe

Hotel recommendation for Tokyo?

Further to my previous post:

Our accommodation is booked for Shanghai, however not for Tokyo. Therefore, I would be really grateful for hotel tips!

From looking at the guidebooks, there are a number of different districts tourists can stay in (Shinjuku looks popular).

We’re keen to stay somewhere close to the rail/transport connections in order to easily get around. We’ve made the mistake in the past of staying in a badly connected part of town (KLCC in KL for example). I also hear taxis in Tokyo are a bit hit/miss so it’s better to rely on trains and the subway.

So please send me your recommendations for areas or specific hotels – either as a blog post comment or via email.

Just don’t recommend the Park Hyatt Tokyo please (as featured in “Lost in Translation”). The absolute cheapest rate for a basic room there is £260/US$500 a night – perhaps the most expensive hotel in the most expensive city in the world!

Internet access (free access, that is) in the room is a bonus for me but Sofia would probably say otherwise, for obvious reasons.

Many thanks!

Ben + Sofia