Ben Metcalfe

BBC News used to promote 419 scam

I just receiced today’s 419 scam in my mailbox (I get at least one a day, don’t we all?). This one included the following:

I am the account officer to Mr Abdullah Saleh (deceased) one of our foreign customers. While he banked with us, I oversaw his accounts and other official/financial obligations as my office demanded being his accounts officer.Unfortunately, he died along with his entire family in the plane crash of 31 October, 1999 on board the Egyptian Airline 990 alonside other passengers. Please consult the British Broadcasting Corporation website below for verification:

I love the way that this scamer is hoping that in a moment of greed I – a white, British-born “Ben Metcalfe” – would think that I could be passed off as a next of kin/blood releative of a Mr “Abdullah Saleh”! But what’s just brilliant is that he is using a BBC news story to back up his story.

You gotta love ’em.