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First mainstream BBC blog launched

I’m pleased to say that the “hush hush blog project” I’ve been working on has rolled out it’s first, initial phase – a blog for BBC News Political Editor, Nick Robinson.

I’m sitting here at the Les Blogs conference, and I feel all warm and tingly now that we are truly part of the party now (well sort of). Backstage, Creative Labs, Labs and before that Island Blogging are all examples of where the BBC has explored blogging – but these have all been niche offerings.

This is strictly V1.0 – V1.5 (or even V2.0) is around the corner after Christmas, I hope. So watch this space.

In the meantime I urge you to log on to Nick’s blog and tell him what you think – that is, after all, one of the points of blogging. Go on folks, have a conversation with the bald guy with big “ridiculous specs” (his words).

Published in BBC News Website News


  1. Good job on the Nick Robinson blog – it looks good and it’s about time the BBC became part of the blogosphere properly.

    I’ve run a couple of short term blog projects for BBC Jersey and am currently putting together a project for early 2006 that uses the island blogging software with the goal of getting Jersey talking.

    Last I heard though was that the word Blog was being banned inside the Beeb as the way the BBC has blogged in the past isn’t ‘true blogging’ but what we have done is more of a diary system.

    Must have changed

    Good job anyway and I’m looking forward to checking out what’s coming next.

  2. […] At organisations like the BBC, black-projects…ones that are under the radar and are very low cost, are having an enormous impact on the business. These are services that run on the Internet and don’t require Microsoft technology. Why else is Microsoft desperate to make an integration play at media organisations around the world? It’s already got its claws into MTV as it tries to reduce the growing influence of Apple. […]

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