Ben Metcalfe

Twhirl 0.9 available for download

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Just a quick note to say that Twhirl 0.9 was released this afternoon. Yes, sorry for the self-promotional plug (I’m an advisor to the product and am involved with it’s product development) but we’re really excited about the features in this release – persistent search, spell check, @reply notification if your name is mentioned anywhere in a tweet (not just the start). I’ll leave it to Loic’s blog post to explain the features in depth.

Also, look out for version 1.0 that will be released shortly – we have some amazing super-secret features coming up and we’re not hiding that we will also support the biggest request of the product – a groups feature. That’s on top of the uber secret cool features we’re building.

Twhirl is of course totally free and available for download at