Ben Metcalfe


I’m pleased to announce I’m advising and working with super-cool video start-up Seesmic! (that’s in addition to working with MySpace too)

Seesmic, for those who don’t know, is a video conversation site – somewhat reminiscent to Twitter. However, there is a lot more to it, much of which is still being built – the site is still in alpha.

The start-up vibe at Seesmic is grat, and in complete contrast with the corporate and enterprise clients I also work with. Both environments have their benefits, but for me it’s fantastic to be able to enjoy both. And Loic, VinVin, Gissele, Whit, Kathleen and the rest of the team are a complete blast.

I’m going to be working in a technical product development capacity at Seesmic. That’s a more general role than I tend to work with bigger clients but I like being a generalist and further more it’s kinda the way things are when you’re in a start-up! 🙂

However, the uber-cool news is that I’m going to also have my own show on Seesmic too. The current working title of the project is FastBen – a play on my nickname ‘dotBen’. As part of that, I’ll probably be in the daily Seesmic shows (subscribe in iTunes) when I’m in the office (mainly Fridays).

Today was no exception, and here it is:

Let me know what you think of Seesmic, and what I should do for my show!