Ben Metcalfe

Mobile MeshWalk around South Park

(Having received some emails, I should clarify – this has nothing to do with the highly top secret project I’m working on. This is just something that I was reminded about now that I’m here in the office)

If you’re free on Tuesday (March 20th) and in the San Francisco area then you should definitely check out the Mobile MeshWalk that’s happening that day [upcoming].

It’s kinda like a photowalk but with the emphasis on visiting a number of internet designy companies around South Park – like Obvious Corp (Twitter, Odeo), RubyRed Labs and others – check out the wiki for a complete list.

I should disclose that the event is partly sponsored by Orange (where I’m currently working) – although this event’s been on my radar pre-Orange for a number of reasons. Firstly, it’s in my manor and secondly because many of the design firms taking part are friends and are doing some cool stuff.

So if you have some/all of Tuesday free why not join the magnifique Pascale Diaine and Shannon Clark for an interesting day of exploring the vibe of both the South Park neighborhood and the companies that bring you cool shit like Twitter and ValleySchwag.