Ben Metcalfe

Media2.0 Workgroup is go!

What can I say – it’s an honor to have been invited to be a launch member of the Media2.0 Workgroup, founded by the highly esteemed Chris Saad.

Chris explains:

“Media 2.0 is a term used to describe the emerging social media industry. Every community needs some help to grow. The long tail has a head, and conversation needs a topic. So in this spirit, we have gathered a group of people who are passionate about the issues of Media 2.0 to help propel and focus the conversation.”

Media2.0 workgroup also includes such luminaries as Frank Gruber, Jeff Pulver, Stowe Boyd, Jeremiah Owyang. Oh, and the recently engaged Suw Charman & Kevin Anderson too – congrats once again guys.

Do go and check out the Media2.0 Workgroup website, I believe a more dynamically generated site featuring the latest posts from each contributor will be created shortly. And if there is someone you think is missing, Chris kindly requests your nomination via email.