Ben Metcalfe

Tara says bye-bye to Riya

Respected “Pinko Marketeer” and good friend Tara “Miss Rouge” Hunt has announced she is quitting Riya (the photo search start-up) as a full-time employee.

This comes just a few months after Chris “Factory Joe” Messina (her lovingly-entitled Partner-in-Crime) quit browser start-up Flock.

Tara was involved with the marketing of the product, something I think she’s done very well (she’s v. good at it, you see). From her blog, it sounds like Riya wants to take theirb marketing strategy main-stream (which is a shame, but perhaps inevitable as more VC’s jump onto the bandwagon).

Being based in sunny San Fran I’m sure she’ll have no problems picking up another great gig elsewhere.

(And of course, this Friday is my last day at that quaint little not-so-start-up-broadcaster-turned-internet-thingy on this side of the pond – maybe we should all do something together?)