With my departure from the BBC, I’m going to have to relinquish the single biggest perk of the job: ‘my’ (well, Siemens’ on loan to the BBC) Lenovo Thinkpad X32 laptop.
At this point I could do some cheesy comparison to how it’s just like a perfect women (perfectly formed body, has the stamina to go for ages, etc).
But I won’t.
Instead, I’ll simply say that with 1gig of RAM on board, 2 x 5.5hr batteries and a small footprint, it’s been an absolute joy to use on the road.
However I will obviously need to hand it back when I leave, and so I will need to buy my own laptop.
Can anyone make any recommendations, either from my provisional list below or another model I’ve missed?
Sony VAIO TX770P/B: A number of my friends have the TX1 series, and they all seem to love it. I’m attracted to the seriously compact chassis, 1gig RAM and 80Gig HD. However at £1500 it’s pricey. [review]
Lonovo Thinkpad X60: The closest thing I can buy currently to my X32. [review]
Apple MacBook (It’s not out yet): Despite not being a big fan of Apple, the rumours are that the MacBookPro range are the fastest laptops you can run Windows on! The much-rumoured MacBook (not Pro) 13″ widescreen display interests me greatly, although if it comes out in the same white plastic covering as the iBook version (which it probably will), I’ll be annoyed. A co-worker’s iBook is heavily stained and grubby looking for wear and tear.
Acer TravelMate 8200: I know nothing about this laptop, but apparently it’s popular. [review]
Dell Inspiron 640m: it’s a similar size footprint to the Sony, but with a much thicker profile. It looks a little bit naff, however at less than £700 it’s much cheaper than anything else here. [review]