Ben Metcalfe

We Media + We Media Fringe

I’m going to be at the We Media Conference tomorrow (Wed) and Thur.

It’s going to be held at BBC TVC on Wed, and at Reuters on Thur. To be honest, the co-sponsorship has become a little too “who’s got the biggest penis” to me, but we’ll see how it goes.

I’m not speaking at this conference (I think I’ve done my stint of BBC conference speaking now!) but my Dad, Ron, is. He’s going to spending time with delegates debating the future of digital media, and has some strong (but spot on) views in a VoxPop on what the challenges and risks are for the industry going forward.

Rock on Dad! 🙂

I am, however, going to be speaking at the We Media Fringe Event (in a personal capacity). Everyone is welcome, not just delegates to the ‘main’ conference but also (and especially) those who aren’t.

Finally, whether your attending in person or not, I hope you will join me on the conference backchannel (irc:// where we will no doubt chat about the bullshit till the cows come home. Actually, I better behave myself cos my Dad will be watching!