Ben Metcalfe

The MacBook is launched

Apple have launched the much-rumoured 13″ MacBook, which comes in both White and Black versions (albeit for $200 more for the latter – a “vanity purchase” as one colleague described it).

Well, this certainly makes my laptop purchase decision even harder. Whilst I would immediately scrap the MacOS install on a MacBook and load Windows XP (and probably Ubuntu), the cost of the MacBook is still very competitively priced compared to rival options on the market.

The other laptop I’ve discovered since my original post is the LG T1 Express Dual – which is a sexy (ahem) little piece of kit too.

Back to the MacBook, I have to say I am very tempted – if only because it seems competitively priced (£967.03 for the black MacBook with BBC discount vs £1,028.99 without discount). That’s still heavily marked up against the $1,499.00 (£795.20) + tax cost for the exact same model in the US market. Welcome to rip-off Britain.

But I won’t be buying right now if only because I wouldn’t touch first-generation Apple products. Did you know that the MacBookPro is already onto it’s 4th revision? That scares me, and makes me wonder whether I really want to be Apple’s guinea pig beta tester on what would become my main workhorse machine?