Ben Metcalfe

A bad couple of days in the office

It’s been a bad couple of days in the office – and that’s despite having a day away on Wednesday when I attended the excellent Carson Workshop Summit (mad props to Ryan for organising the best conference I’ve attended in Europe).

There’s a lot of stuff going on at the moment at work which I can’t write about right now but it’s left me feeling a bit depressed, demoralised and disenfranchised.

To compound those feelings, I found out yesterday that yet another colleague has decided to leave and move on to pastures new (and greener). I’m not going to name names because they may not have made their intentions public.

But he/she joins a growing list of people I respect and I once had the fortune call a colleague… They include Matt Bidulph, James Boardwell, Euan Semple, Paula Le Dieu, Tom Coates (yes even Tom Coates – we rarely see eye-to-eye but I still respect the man).

Each had their reasons for going, and so does this person. But its clear there is something going on that’s causing people to decide to turn a new leaf somewhere else.

Some of the problems lie with the organisation I work for. The decisions it’s made, the choices it’s taken.

Some lie with the regulatory position placed upon it. The decisions it’s been forced to make, the constraints put in place to, the things it’s now allowed to do yet need to be done.

And some lie in the middle. The outcome of the trade-offs it’s made, the consequences of unfortunate contractual positions it agreed to, etc.

I love the BBC, and will always support it and respect it regardless of whether its paying my bills or not. It’s not just yet another employer for me.

Maybe that’s why I’m so pissed off, I don’t know. But as someone who is passionate about both the industry he is lucky enough to be working in and the organisation he works for… I seem to be able to muster up very little passion either way at the moment.