Ben Metcalfe

O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference 2006 call for participation

This year’s ETech 2005 was great, so I’m definitely going back for more next year… I might even put in a proposal for a presentation myself.

For those who haven’t been, here’s the intro:

The O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference frames the ideas, projects, and technologies that the alpha geeks are thinking about, hacking on, and inventing right now into a coherent picture from which to extrapolate and upon which to start building. Expect much of what you see in early form here to show up in the products and services you’re taking for granted in the not-too-distant future.

O’Reilly Media invites technologists and strategists, CTOs and chief scientists, researchers, programmers, hackers, and standards workers, business developers and entrepreneurs to lead conference session and tutorials at the O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference 2006.

Get your presentation proposals in by September 19th 2005

[ETech05 Flickr stream]