Ben Metcalfe

TV-Anytime Perl parser released

Leon Brocard has written a Perl TV-Anytime Parser – Yay! This compliments our “official” open source Java API (via

From CPAN:


The TV::Anytime module parses TV-Anytime bundles. TV-Anytime is a format organised by the TV-Anytime Forum ( These are open standards (see ETSI TS102822) for the rich description of Radio, Television and other types of media. The metadata specification includes a comprehensive genre scheme, methods of linking and grouping programmes, listing credits and lots of other data fields.

This module is concerned with parsing TV-Anytime files that are shipped by the British Broadcasting Corporation from It is assumed that you have downloaded a .tar.gz from this site and have unpacked it.

Looks cool. Maybe someone will create a PHP version too? Anyway, makes entering the competition so much more easier!

[module bundle on cpan]