Ben Metcalfe

Take the Search Engine Soda Challenge with Rusty

A while ago I was debating with Jeremy Zawodny why Google is perceived to be more relevant/better/whatever than Yahoo.

I promised him I’d write a quick script that produced unbranded results from Google and Yahoo – so that you the user could take the “Search Engine Soda Challenge”. Well, what with backstage and all launching, I never got around to it (sorry).

I was about to pick up the baton when I found Rusty Search. It returns a search result page, and you decide how relevant the links are. What it doesn’t tell you is who produced the results. It’s not exactly the side-by-side comparison I was going to do, but it’s been nicely executed. So much so, I think I’ll concentrate my efforts elsewhere as Rusty Search seems to have this pretty much sewn up.

Just one thing, where are the results, eh Mr Rusty? Apparently they were supposed to be published today (June 1st)…