Ben Metcalfe

Sin City: simply fantastic

Sofia and I had the pleasure of watching Sin City, the latest masterpiece from Robert Rodriguez (with some guest direction from Quentin Tarantino).

It was simply fantastic. Filmed in a sort of “modern Film Noir” meets comic book, it was beautiful just to look at.

This is not one for the faint-hearted however – if graphic scenes of violence, torture and wanton-butchery aren’t your sort of thing this might not be one for you.

We loved it.

Check out the trailer

(Interesting fact: The original “Sin City” was a series of comics, or “graphic novels” by Frank Miller. The Director’s Guild of America only allows it’s members of have a single credit for direction of a given film. Rodriguez wanted Miller to have an equal status as co-director, so he quit The Guild in order to make Sin City and give Miller the credit he deserved.)