Ben Metcalfe

Geek Dinner London, almost too late but not quite…

Just a quick note to say that will be part-sponsoring the London Geek Dinner that’s taking place on Thur June 7th by providing the name tags (There’s probably going to be close to 200 people going, so name tags are a must!).

At the time of writing there’s only 7 places left, but get in there quick and you might just be lucky to get a final place. Robert “Scobleizer” Scoble will be guest-speaking along with Hugh. Plus me and James from will be there too, and Kosso, the lovely Dr Jo and Ian. Man, it’s a networker’s wet dream…

It’s at the horrid Texas Embassy (should point out that’s my view, not’s) where it looks like they’ll be skanking us £20 each for a fajita buffet (I wonder what kind of buffet they’ll be doing for a total of £3700 – and that’s not even including drink!).

If you can’t make it, don’t worry. We’ll be holding a meet up in London very soon.
