Ben Metcalfe launches!!!

So, launched today. We like to think of it as our very own developer and designer network, full of cool BBC content for you to play about with.

After much persuasion, planning, preparation and production it?s launched. Well, beta. The “real” launch is a little bit off ? we?ve got some great content and APIs in the pipeline. But we wanted to get the site out to the masses as soon as humanly possible.

So, yes, despite the fact that my blog says I work for BBC News Interactive, I have in fact spent the last 6 months working in the BBC?s New Media and Technology division on it. It was all bit of a (badly kept) secret which is why I couldn?t blog much about it until now.

So I, along with my colleague James, will be running it. We?ll be the BBC?s representatives in the wacky world of web services, and the advocates of all the cool stuff the public make.

It?s been a hectic day, so that is just a quick post to let you all know what?s happening. Tomorrow looks busy with media and journalists wanting to know more about what we?ve been unleashed onto the Internet. But I?ll try and write more soon.

I?m off to the launch party now (well, a few drinks in the pub), but stay tuned for my thoughts and views on and where this is all going.

It?s all exciting stuff ? and as Ben Hammersley put it “enough to make you shit” (I only wish I was joking?).