Ben Metcalfe

MySQL “replace” is your friend

Need to replace all occurrences of a substring within loads of fields in a MySQL database table your using?


update [table_name] set [field_name] = replace([field_name],'[string_to_find]','[string_to_replace]');

I never realised there was an actual “replace” method – especially seeing as I have seen many “self-rolled SQL script” attempts at it and assumed they were floating around because there was no straight-forward way of doing this. I guess I really must spend some time going over the man pages of MySQL (and/or just learn some more SQL in general!).

Due to the nature of the databases I work on (which are Oracle and not MySQL), running raw SQL commands on them is frowned upon (or just totally banned in the case of live DB’s). Probably the greatest thing about Apple WebObjects is that it maps your database schema into objects and controls all the reading/writing itself (I think WO was the first to successfully achieve this).

The result of these two facts is that my SQL skills are probably the most lacking within my development skill-set. Maybe my New-Year’s resolution will be to rely less on PHPMyAdmin when working on my home-brew projects!